maxsixはグラフィックアーティストでもあるデザイナーMIKIO SUZUKIのユニセックスブランド。 特徴はオリジナルのテキスタイル、グラフィック、ユニークなアイコンの多彩なプリント、刺繍、パッチワークなど様々な手法で毎シーズン展開しています。中でも3D Tシャツと呼ばれるTシャツは日本のアパレル業界において彼の固有名詞にもなりつつあるほど。 服を着る喜びと楽しさをそして見る人に新鮮な輝きを与え続けていきます。
"maxsix" proclaim theselves Surrealistic Brand. Surrealistic Images on Realistic Clothes. Qw aim to give birth to each clothes elaborately with an innovative perspective on the notion of clothes. As for the unique visual experience, both the modern art and the classic art are comined dexterously into the unprecedented graphic images,then our special printing technic creates the world of Surrealism.
"maxsix" proclaim theselves Surrealistic Brand. Surrealistic Images on Realistic Clothes. Qw aim to give birth to each clothes elaborately with an innovative perspective on the notion of clothes. As for the unique visual experience, both the modern art and the classic art are comined dexterously into the unprecedented graphic images,then our special printing technic creates the world of Surrealism.