ONEMADEは1アイテムごとの2次加工を全てハンドワークで行うハンドメイドブランドです。 ベースになるボディは細部にまで拘り、気心地の良さ、シルエットの美しさを追求しています。 そして世界に一つだけのスペシャルアイテムを作り上げていきます。 ONEMADEは服という形のアート作品です。
ONEMADE is a handmade brand which all the secondary process such as painting printing, embroiling, etc. is done by hand.He is particular about the details of that product comfortably, and the beauty of the sihouette ONEMADE is the art which you can wear.
ONEMADE is a handmade brand which all the secondary process such as painting printing, embroiling, etc. is done by hand.He is particular about the details of that product comfortably, and the beauty of the sihouette ONEMADE is the art which you can wear.